
Ideas for Game Bloggers

OK, so you are ready to start a gaming blog. Wondering what to write about? We have a list of ideas for game bloggers that probably only tip the surface of the wide variety of topics we are sure that you will be inspired to write about once you get started. One aspect of game blogging that many new bloggers might not realize is that starting a blog is your chance to give your in-game character a chance to have a voice and you can expand upon the character you have created and love. Here are some suggested topics for your game blog:
Walk-Through: A walk-through is a thorough description of gameplay with screenshots, coordinates, and maps to help gamers new to a game navigate and figure out how to play. If you write a post of a walk-through of a game you play, it can help other players not get frustrated with the game, get caught up, or maybe not get defeated too easily. Newbie players really appreciate walk-throughs because they might have given up on a game without your guidance.
Lists: Lists are always great for blogs. What are your favorite games of all time? What are your favorite games online and on each gaming console? You can write about the top games for the year, month, or any time period. Those all make great lists to write about.
Help Other Gamers Decide: You can write a blog post that helps other gamers decide what type of game is right for them. They may not know and may not have the experience playing different games like you do. You can write about what it is like to play on different platforms, mobile, devices, and consoles.
Free vs. Paid Games: Which games are worth the price? That makes an excellent blog post because most gamers want to know before paying whether it is going to be worth the money since there are so many free games out there. Speaking of free games, which are the best free games? You can separate posts for free games on different platforms, mobile, or online versions.
Is Questing Worth It? Some online games have quests for you to go on. Other online games give your character the opportunity to farm or participate in crafting to gain points, levels, or in-game currency. You can write about whether it is worth it to partake in these activities in each game.
How to Join a Guild: Many online games have guilds you can join. As you know, guild members can become friends and can help each other out in and out of the game. You can write about topics related to guilds such as “Benefits of Joining a Guild”, “Best Games for Guilds”, or tell stories about relationships you build with guild members.
Hidden Secrets and Exploits: An exploit is a “glitch” or previously unknown error in the programming that some gamers find by accident. An exploit makes it much too easy to accomplish tasks or goals in a game. For example, an exploit might allow a player to complete a level or kill a boss just because he or she was accidentally positioned in the right spot. This is a problem because, like the name describes, gamers can exploit this when found and get undeserved extras. In other cases, an exploit can allow a game to continue farming and gain unfair advantages against other players. There are many other examples of exploits you have likely come across that you can write about. Writing about exploits can pass information on to other games but also can expose problems to developers so that they can fix it and make the game better or more challenging. Writing about exploits might be looked upon negatively by other gamers, but if you are exposing a problem in the game, you can expose cheaters and make the game more fair and enjoyable for everyone. It can also boost your level of credibility and expertise within the community. Publishers or developers might even reach out to you to help them discover exploits.
In Game Easter Eggs: In game Easter Eggs are like special achievements or hidden surprises that help you out in the game or are just there for fun. You could blog about these Easter Eggs / special achievements and describe which ones have better outcomes than others.
Tell Stories About Your Game Play: Everyone loves to hear stories and we are sure that every game has at least a story or two. Maybe it is about a friend you made gaming, maybe it is about something funny that happened in game. Share stories how your game time gives you a chance to escape from the real world and live in a fantasy world for that brief time you get to spend playing, creating characters, and living in an alternate reality.

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